
Skunk in East Central Indiana yard.

  • Skunks are medium-sized animals commonly seen around neighborhoods.
  • Skunks are known for their foul and pungent smell. Sometimes the scent can be smelled from hundreds of yards away.
  • The smell comes from a liquid they spray from their body when they sense danger. It is a defensive weapon that they're notoriously known for.
  • Skunks have very poor vision, they're unable to see objects more than 10 feet away. This makes them vulnerable to death by road traffic.
  • As omnivorous, skunks will eat almost anything. They will eat both plant and animal depending on the season. When living around humans, skunks will seek food in garbage bins and dumpsters.


  • In North America, skunks typically have a very distinct appearance. Their fur is decorated with black and white marketings.
  • Different species of skunks may have spotted markings as opposed to striped markings. 
  • Although most common skunk fur color is black and white, some skunks have brown, grey, or white fur due to genetic variances. 
  • Depending on their species, a skunk can weight anywhere from 1 - 18 lbs and grow 15 - 35 inches long.
  • Skunks have muscular legs and long front claws for digging.

HabitatEast Indiana Skunk den

  • In the wild, skunks live in areas like prairies, pastures, forest edges, and other inconspicuous areas.
  • Highly adaptable, skunks are capable of surviving in many different climate regions.
  • During the colder months, skunks will store fat in their bodies and remain holed up in dens for days or weeks; however, skunks are not true hibernators.



Are skunks known to enter homes or yards?

  • Although skunks often live in the wild, many have learned to find shelter inside of homes.
  • Skunks are attracted by the readily available food sources around humans.
  • Skunks may seek shelter under buildings, desks, and patios. 
  • Skunk home entries are common in suburban areas.



Are skunks dangerous? 

  • Skunks can create landscape damages on your property as they search for food. 
  • Skunks may create structural damages on your property as well.
  • Skunks are one of the most common carriers of rabies. They're also known for carrying canine distemper, hepatitis, tularemia, and Q-fever. 
  • Skunk secretion odors will last up to months. They are not only hard to remove, but they can also cause temporary blindness. 
  • Skunks can spray from their anal gland up to 10 feet away.
  • Skunks can also scratch and bite you when handled at close range.


Control and Safety

  • Homeowners can employ simple methods of skunk control. For example, setting up fences, securing trash bins with fitted lids, and securing food storage are some of the preventative measures you can take in order to prevent skunk invasions.
  • Skunks are intelligent animals, they're able to dig through fences, or chew through wires.
  • You should never approach a skunk if you spot one. Instead, contact Critter Control of East Central Indiana immediately.

Trapping and Removal

There is a skunk near my house, what should I do?

Dealing with skunks can be a dangerous job to do. You can get sprayed by these animals. Skunks may also scratch or bite you at close range. Instead of trying to trap skunks by yourself, call Critter Control.

Critter Control of East Central Indiana is a full-service wildlife service provider. We will tackle all of your skunk problems. Give us a call today!

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Skunk odors? Yeah...they stink. Do you think you might have a skunk hiding somewhere near your house? Click on the button below to hear what a skunk sound like:
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